highway design engineer
Data inserimento annuncio: 03 Febbraio 2010
Bonifica Italia Srl is a Civil Engineering Company part of a group which has been operating in Manila for more than 20 years in the fields of Roads, Bridge, Dam, Water Supply, Irrigation, etc.
We are now looking for a Highway Design Engineer to manage the activities of the road design department of the Manila based office. The Ideal candidate should have the following requirements.
Capacity to handle all aspects of road design project from his conception up to the final design
Knowledge of AASHTO road design codes will be appreciated
Good knowledge of English language
Knowledges of road design software
At least 2 years of experience
The Company will offer a salary commensurate to the experience.
Interested applicants should contact Miss Pamela Crisanti at crisanti@bonifica.it enclosing copy of their's CVs. This is an excellent opportunity for a long lasting career within the organization
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