Project manager

Data inserimento annuncio: 15 Ottobre 2013

SGI is looking for a Project Manager for an assignment in the field of Water and Sanitation. The main activities to be performed are focused on General Engineering Consultancy Services for a wide range of engineering, planning, design, environmental, architectural, surveying, mapping, Water project operations and Intelligent Services, project construction and technical management, Water and Waste Water treatment landscape architecture, public involvement and administrative services related to responsibilities under the (GDWS) Policy and Vision and support for the operation, maintenance and construction of the Water and Sewage System and facilities.
The successful applicant shall have an advanced university degree in Hydraulic engineering, a minimum 20 years work experience in assistance to Public Utilities in the sector of Water & Sanitation, specifically in the field of large infrastructure such as Wastewater Treatment Plant and Water Treatment Plant.
The applicant shall also have an excellent track record of team leading and managing infrastructure projects. He/she shall be proficient in English, have good interpersonal and written communication skills as well as be computer literate.
Interested candidates are kindly requested to send their applications in English to the below e-mail address by 30th October 2013, specifying in the title of their application the job opportunity they are applying for, e.g. Kurdistan WS Project Manager

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