Data inserimento annuncio: 14 Maggio 2019

INTEGRA AES is looking for an Electrical Engineer LV/MV systems in civil and industrial field to join our team, based in our head office in Rome.
Skills and Experience required:
MSc in Electrical Engineering;
Proven experience in technical design and technical-plant engineering;
Excellent and proven knowledge of written and spoken English;
Availability to carry out inspections in Italy and abroad;
Excellent and proven knowledge of specialized technical software (including CAD / BIM).
Minimum 3 years experience in the field of in LV/MV systems in civil and industrial field
Please make sure that your curriculum states clearly:
Level of knowledge for each technical software,
Professional experience in this specific sector
Authorization to use and process personal details, in compliance with the Italian Legislative Decree no. 101/18 (GDPR)
Please note:
Almost immediate availability is required.
The interview may be conducted in English.
To apply, please send an e-mail to recruitment@integra-aes.com, stating position reference Electrical Engineer RS-00832-19

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