Data inserimento annuncio: 23 Luglio 2020

INTEGRA is looking for a Business Development Manager to be included at our Headquarters in Rome.
Required Skills and experiences:
Five-years degree in disciplines relevant to Business Development in the field of civil engineering;
Good knowledge of public procurement legislation;
Knowledge of the procedures for participation in national and international tenders;
Knowledge of communication techniques and marked sensitivity in the graphic composition of documents;
Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English (knowledge of other languages will be a preferential title);
Excellent knowledge of the most popular PC programs (such as the Office package);
Availability to carry out its assignment at our headquarters in Rome and, possibly, to make travel to represent INTEGRA

The selected candidate will be called to perform the following functions:
Selection of national and international calls for tenders;
Preparation of documentation for participation in tenders, including coordination of available resources;
Development of strategic actions for business development.
Almost immediate availability is required.
N.B .: the selected candidates will take the entire interview in English.
Applications must be sent exclusively by email to the address: , indicating the reference Business Development Manager RS-00941-20

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Comunità Energetiche Rinnovabili
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